Sitting for long periods can put a strain on back health - but with the right posture and regular changes of posture, complaints can be avoided. Active and dynamic sitting and the right balance between sitting and standing play a key role in this. Read our article to find out which positions are particularly back-friendly and how you can integrate them into your everyday working life.
How can innovative exergames promote back health and reduce stress in the nursing profession? Our completed project shows promising approaches and exciting results. Discover in this article how preventive measures can be integrated into everyday nursing care through playful elements - and what we have learned from the feedback to make the offer even better.
The health benefits of exergames are extremely diverse and have already been the subject of extensive studies. This magazine article provides fascinating insights into current research findings on exergames - or as we call them: “Exerglimpse”
Here you can find out why exergames are suitable for a wide range of target groups and what effects they have been proven to have.
Exergames and senior citizens form a fascinating connection. They open up new possibilities for an active and fulfilling life in old age. We have summarized everything you need to know about this topic in a white paper.
We have conducted a study: here you can find out which positive effects the ergofox posture analysis statistically has on exercise behaviour and back health.
What is behind the exergames? Here you can learn how our developed exergames help you to improve your cognitive skills and your movement behavior and create a fun and active experience.
Here you can find out why exergames are suitable for different target groups and what effects they have been proven to have.